fetchChatRoomMembers method
~english Gets the chat room member list.
Param roomId
The chat room ID.
Param cursor
The cursor position from which to start getting data.
Param pageSize
The number of members per page.
Return The list of chat room members. See ChatCursorResult
. If ChatCursorResult.cursor is an empty string (""), all data is fetched.
Throws A description of the exception. See ChatError. ~end
~chinese 获取聊天室成员列表。
返回的结果中,当 ChatCursorResult.cursor 为空字符串 ("") 时,表示没有更多数据。
Param roomId
聊天室 ID。
Param cursor
Param pageSize
Return 分页获取结果 ChatCursorResult
Throws 如果有异常会在这里抛出,包含错误码和错误描述,详见 ChatError。 ~end
Future<ChatCursorResult<String>> fetchChatRoomMembers(
String roomId, {
String? cursor,
int pageSize = 200,
}) async {
Map req = {"roomId": roomId, "pageSize": pageSize};
req.putIfNotNull("cursor", cursor);
Map result =
await _channel.invokeMethod(ChatMethodKeys.fetchChatRoomMembers, req);
try {
return ChatCursorResult<String>.fromJson(
dataItemCallback: (obj) => obj);
} on ChatError catch (e) {
throw e;