createAccount method
Registers a new user.
Param userId
The user Id. The maximum length is 64 characters. Ensure that you set this parameter.
Supported characters include the 26 English letters (a-z), the ten numbers (0-9), the underscore (_), the hyphen (-),
and the English period (.). This parameter is case insensitive, and upper-case letters are automatically changed to low-case ones.
If you want to set this parameter as a regular expression, set it as ^a-zA-Z0-9_-
Param password
The password. The maximum length is 64 characters. Ensure that you set this parameter.
Throws A description of the exception. See ChatError.
Future<void> createAccount(String userId, String password) async {
EMLog.v('create account: $userId : $password');
Map req = {'username': userId, 'password': password};
Map result =
await ClientChannel.invokeMethod(ChatMethodKeys.createAccount, req);
try {
} on ChatError catch (e) {
throw e;