AgoraRtmRemoteInvitationErrorCode Constants Reference

Declared in AgoraRtmCallKit.h


RETURNED TO THE CALLEE. Error codes of an incoming call invitation.


typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, AgoraRtmRemoteInvitationErrorCode ) {
   AgoraRtmRemoteInvitationErrorOk = 0,
   AgoraRtmRemoteInvitationErrorLocalOffline = 1,
   AgoraRtmRemoteInvitationErrorAcceptFailure = 2,
   AgoraRtmRemoteInvitationErrorExpire = 3,



0: RETURNED TO THE CALLEE. The incoming call invitation succeeds.

Declared In AgoraRtmCallKit.h.


1: RETURNED TO THE CALLEE. The call invitation received by the callee fails: the callee is not online.

Declared In AgoraRtmCallKit.h.


2: RETURNED TO THE CALLEE. The call invitation received by callee fails: The callee does not ACK within a set time after the callee accepts the call invitation. This is usually a result of a network interruption.

Declared In AgoraRtmCallKit.h.


3: RETURNED TO THE CALLEE. The call invitation received by the callee fails: the call invitation expires 60 seconds since it is sent, if the callee ACKs to the call invitation but neither the caller or callee takes any further action (cancel, accpet, or decline it).

Declared In AgoraRtmCallKit.h.

Declared In
