AgoraRtmSendMessageOptions Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in AgoraRtmKit.h


Message sending options.


DEPRECATED Deprecated as of v1.5.0. Agora recommends that you do not use it.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL enableOfflineMessaging


Whether to set the message as an offline message.

  • YES: Set the message as an offline message.
  • NO: (default) Do not set the message as an offline message.


This setting applies to the peer-to-peer message only, not to the channel message.

Declared In



DEPRECATED Deprecated as of v1.5.0. Agora recommends that you do not use it.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL enableHistoricalMessaging


PRIVATE BETA Whether to save the message to message history.

  • YES: Save the message to message history.
  • NO: (default) Do not save the message to message history.

Declared In
