Media Player Kit v1.3.0 API Reference for Android
Method | Description |
AgoraMediaPlayerKit | Creates an AgoraMediaPlayerKit instance. |
destroy | Destroys an AgoraMediaPlayerKit instance. |
setLogFile | Specifies the output log files of the Mediaplayer Kit. |
setLogFilter | Sets the output log level of the Mediaplayer Kit. |
registerPlayerObserver | Registers a player observer. |
unregisterPlayerOberver | Unregisters a player observer. |
registerAudioFrameObserver | Registers an audio observer. |
unregisterAudioFrameObserver | Unregisters an audio observer. |
registerVideoFrameObserver | Registers a video observer. |
unregisterVideoFrameObserver | Unregisters a video observer. |
setView | Sets the view. |
setRenderMode | Sets the render mode of the view. |
open | Open the media resource. |
setLoopCount | Sets the loop playback. |
changePlaybackSpeed | Changes the playback speed. |
selectAudioTrack | Selects the audio track used during playback. |
play | Plays the media resource. |
pause | Pauses the playback. |
stop | Stops the playback. |
seek | Seeks to a new playback position. |
adjustPlayoutVolume | Adjusts the local playback volume. |
mute | Sets whether to mute the media resource. |
getDuration | Gets the duration of the media resource. |
getPlayPosition | Gets current playback progress. |
getPlayoutVolume | Gets current local playback volume. |
isMuted | Confirms whether the media resource is muted. |
getState | Gets current playback state. |
getStreamCount | Gets the number of the media streams in the media resource. |
getStreamInfo | Gets the detailed information of the media stream. |
setPlayerOption | Sets the private options for the MediaPlayer Kit. |
setPlayerOptionString | Sets the private options for the MediaPlayer Kit. |
getPlayerSdkVersion | Gets the version number of the MediaPlayer Kit. |
setAudioMode | Sets the audio mode. |
switchSrc | Switches the media resource being played. |
addPreloadSrc | Preloads media resources. |
playPreload | Plays preloaded media resources. |
Event | Description |
onPlayerStateChanged | Reports the playback state change. |
onPositionChanged | Reports current playback progress. |
onPlayerEvent | Reports the playback event. |
onMetaData | Reports the reception of the media metadata. |
onPlayBufferUpdated | Reports the playback duration that the buffered data can support. |
onPreloadEvent | Reports the events for preloading media resources. |
onFrame | Occurs when each time the player receives an audio frame. |
onFrame | Occurs when each time the player receives a video frame. |