Media Player Kit v1.3.0 API Reference for Android
Media Player Kit v1.3.0 API Reference for Android Documentation

Main methods

Method Description
AgoraMediaPlayerKit Creates an AgoraMediaPlayerKit instance.
destroy Destroys an AgoraMediaPlayerKit instance.
setLogFile Specifies the output log files of the Mediaplayer Kit.
setLogFilter Sets the output log level of the Mediaplayer Kit.
registerPlayerObserver Registers a player observer.
unregisterPlayerOberver Unregisters a player observer.
registerAudioFrameObserver Registers an audio observer.
unregisterAudioFrameObserver Unregisters an audio observer.
registerVideoFrameObserver Registers a video observer.
unregisterVideoFrameObserver Unregisters a video observer.
setView Sets the view.
setRenderMode Sets the render mode of the view.
open Open the media resource.
setLoopCount Sets the loop playback.
changePlaybackSpeed Changes the playback speed.
selectAudioTrack Selects the audio track used during playback.
play Plays the media resource.
pause Pauses the playback.
stop Stops the playback.
seek Seeks to a new playback position.
adjustPlayoutVolume Adjusts the local playback volume.
mute Sets whether to mute the media resource.
getDuration Gets the duration of the media resource.
getPlayPosition Gets current playback progress.
getPlayoutVolume Gets current local playback volume.
isMuted Confirms whether the media resource is muted.
getState Gets current playback state.
getStreamCount Gets the number of the media streams in the media resource.
getStreamInfo Gets the detailed information of the media stream.
setPlayerOption Sets the private options for the MediaPlayer Kit.
setPlayerOptionString Sets the private options for the MediaPlayer Kit.
getPlayerSdkVersion Gets the version number of the MediaPlayer Kit.
setAudioMode Sets the audio mode.
switchSrc Switches the media resource being played.
addPreloadSrc Preloads media resources.
playPreload Plays preloaded media resources.

Main events

Event Description
onPlayerStateChanged Reports the playback state change.
onPositionChanged Reports current playback progress.
onPlayerEvent Reports the playback event.
onMetaData Reports the reception of the media metadata.
onPlayBufferUpdated Reports the playback duration that the buffered data can support.
onPreloadEvent Reports the events for preloading media resources.
onFrame Occurs when each time the player receives an audio frame.
onFrame Occurs when each time the player receives a video frame.