IoT SDK for Linux v1.8.0
Methods of the SDK.
Method | Description |
agora_rtc_get_version | Gets the SDK version. |
agora_rtc_err_2_str | Converts an error code to a string. |
agora_rtc_init | Initializes the SDK. |
agora_rtc_set_log_level | Sets the log level. |
agora_rtc_create_connection | Creates a connection. |
agora_rtc_destroy_connection | Destroys a connection. |
agora_rtc_config_log | Configures the log file. |
agora_rtc_join_channel | Joins an RTC channel corresponding to a specified connection. |
agora_rtc_renew_token | Renews an RTC token for one or multiple channels corresponding to a connection. |
agora_rtc_send_audio_data | Sends an audio frame to one or multiple channels corresponding to a connection. |
agora_rtc_send_video_data | Sends a video frame to one or multiple channels corresponding to a connection. |
agora_rtc_mute_local_audio | Enables/disables sending local audio data to one or multiple channels corresponding to a connection. |
agora_rtc_mute_remote_audio | Enables/disables receiving remote audio data from one or multiple channels corresponding to a connection. |
agora_rtc_mute_local_video | Enables/disables sending local video data to one or multiple channels corresponding to a connection. |
agora_rtc_mute_remote_video | Enables/disables receiving remote video data from one or multiple channels corresponding to a connection. |
agora_rtc_request_video_key_frame | Requests a keyframe from a remote user in one or multiple channels corresponding to a connection. |
agora_rtc_set_bwe_param | Sets network bandwidth estimation (BWE) parameters. |
agora_rtc_leave_channel | Leaves an RTC channel corresponding to a specified connection. |
agora_rtc_fini | Releases all resources allocated by the SDK. |
agora_rtc_login_rtm | Logs into RTM. |
agora_rtc_logout_rtm | Logs out of RTM. |
agora_rtc_send_rtm_data | Sends an RTM message. |
agora_rtc_set_params | Provides technical preview functionalities or special customizations by configuring the SDK with JSON options. |
Callbacks of the SDK.
Callback | Description |
on_join_channel_success | Occurs when the local user joins an RTC channel successfully. |
on_connection_lost | Occurs when the local user disconnects from an RTC channel. |
on_rejoin_channel_success | Occurs when the local user rejoins an RTC channel successfully. |
on_error | Occurs when the SDK reports an error. |
on_user_joined | Occurs when a remote user joins an RTC channel successfully. |
on_user_offline | Occurs when a remote user leaves an RTC channel. |
on_user_mute_audio | Occurs when a remote user enables/disables sending audio. |
on_user_mute_video | Occurs when a remote user enables/disables sending video. |
on_key_frame_gen_req | Occurs when a remote user requests a keyframe. |
on_audio_data | Occurs when receiving the audio frame of a remote user in the channel. |
on_video_data | Occurs when receiving the video frame of a remote user in the channel. |
on_mixed_audio_data | Occurs when receiving the mixed audio frame of local and remote users. This callback occurs every 20 ms. |
on_target_bitrate_changed | Occurs when network bandwidth change is detected. Use this callback to adjust your bitrate. |
on_token_privilege_will_expire | Occurs when the RTC token expires in 30 seconds. |
on_rtm_data | Occurs when the local user receives an RTM message. |
on_rtm_event | Occurs when an RTM event occurs. |
on_send_rtm_data_result | Reports the result of the agora_rtc_send_rtm_data method call. |