Agora Interactive Whiteboard Objective-C Overview Document
Agora provides interactive whiteboard with high reliability and rich features though a virtual global network and flexible combinations of APIs.
- WhiteSDK class provides the main methods for initializing the
object. - WhiteRoom class provides methods that manage the live Interactive Whiteboard room.
- WhiteDisplayer is the parent class of the WhiteRoom class. The WhiteRoom classe can inherit the methods of the
SDK initialization
Method | Description |
initWithWhiteBoardView | Initializes a WhiteSDK object and sets callbacks. |
initWithWhiteBoardView | Initializes a WhiteRoom object and sets callbacks and audio mixing. |
WhiteCommonCallbacks | Sets common callbacks. |
joinRoomWithConfig | Sets the configurations and event callbacks of whiteboard room and joins the live interactive whiteboard room. |
setupFontFaces | Declares the fonts that can be used in the local whiteboard. |
loadFontFaces | Declares the fonts that can be used in the local whiteboard and preloads them. |
updateTextFont | Sets the fonts used by the text tool in the local whiteboard. |
Common events
Event | Description |
throwError | Reports an uncaught global error during SDK runtime. |
urlInterrupter | Occurs when the SDK intercepts an image URL address. |
pptMediaPlay | Occurs when the audio and video in dynamic PPT slides start playing. |
pptMediaPause | Occurs when the audio and video in dynamic PPT slides pause playing. |
customMessage | Occurs when the user receives a message from the web page. |
sdkSetupFail | Reports the failure of the SDK initialization. |
Room management
Method | Description |
observerId | The user ID. |
setWritable | Sets whether a user is in interactive mode in the room. |
disableDeviceInputs | Disables the whiteboard from responding to users' operations. |
disconnect | Disconnects from the live Interactive Whiteboard room. |
setGlobalState | Modifies the global state of the live Interactive Whiteboard room. |
disconnectedBySelf | Gets whether the SDK calls disconnect to disconnect from the live Interactive Whiteboard room. |
writable | Gets whether the local user is in interactive mode in the room. |
globalState | Gets the global state of the room (synchronous). |
getGlobalStateWithResult | Gets the global state of the room (asynchronous). |
roomMembers | Gets the list of members in the room (synchronous). |
getRoomMembersWithResult | Gets the list of members in the room. (asynchronous). |
phase | Gets the connection state of the room. (synchronous). |
getRoomPhaseWithResult | Gets the connection state of the room (asynchronous). |
state | Gets the current room state (synchronous). |
getRoomStateWithResult | Gets the current room state (asynchronous). |
Whiteboard tool
Method | Description |
setMemberState | Modifies the state of the whiteboard tool currently in use. |
memberState | Gets the state of the whiteboard tool currently in use (synchronous). |
getMemberStateWithResult | Gets the state of the whiteboard tool currently in use (asynchronous). |
copy | Copies the selected content. |
paste | Pastes the copied content. |
duplicate | Duplicates the selected content. |
deleteOperation | Deletes the selected content. |
disableSerialization | Disables/Enables the local serialization. |
redo | Redoes an undone action. |
undo | Undoes an action. |
disableEraseImage | Disables the eraser from erasing images on the whiteboard. |
disableDeviceInputs | Disables the whiteboard from responding to users' operations. |
View management
Method | Description |
setViewMode | Sets the view mode of the user. |
setCameraBound | Sets the boundary of the user’s view. |
disableCameraTransform | Disables the user from adjusting the view. |
moveCamera | Adjusts the view. |
moveCameraToContainer | Adjusts the view to ensure the complete display of the view rectangle. |
scalePptToFit | Adjusts the view in the specified mode to ensure the complete display of the PPT slide. |
disableCameraTransform | Disables the local user from adjusting the view of the whiteboard. |
broadcastState | Gets the view state of the user (synchronous). |
getBroadcastStateWithResult | Gets the view state of the user (asynchronous). |
Scene management
Method | Description |
insertImage1 | Inserts an image placeholder on the whiteboard. |
completeImageUploadWithUuid | Displays an image in the specified image placeholder. |
insertImage2 | Inserts and displays an image on the whiteboard. |
insertText | Inserts text at a specified position. |
sceneState | Gets the state of the scenes under the current scene directory (synchronous). |
getSceneStateWithResult | Gets the state of the scenes under the current scene directory (asynchronous). |
getScenesWithResult | Gets the state of the scenes under the current scene directory (asynchronous). |
setScenePath | Switches to the specified scene (synchronous). |
setScenePath | Switches to the specified scene (asynchronous). |
setSceneIndex | Switches to the specified scene under the current scene directory. |
putScenes | Inserts multiples scenes under the specified scene directory. |
moveScene | Moves a scene. |
removeScenes | Deletes a scene or a scene directory. |
cleanScene | Clears all contents on the current scene. |
pptNextStep | Plays the next slide of the PPT file. |
pptPreviousStep | Returns to the previous slide of the PPT file. |
getScenePathType | Gets the type of the scene path. |
getEntireScenes | Gets information about all scenes in the room. |
getScenePreviewImage | Gets the preview of the specified scene. |
getSceneSnapshotImage | Gets the screenshot of the specified scene. |
getLocalSnapShotWithCompletion | Gets the screenshot of the specified scene. |
Customized events
Method | Description |
dispatchMagixEvent | Sends a custom event. |
addMagixEventListener | Adds a listener for a customized event. |
addHighFrequencyEventListener | Adds a listener for a customized high-frequency event. |
removeMagixEventListener | Removes a listener for a customized event. |
iframe plug-in message
Method | Description |
postIframeMessage | Sends message in string format to the iframe plugin. |
Miscellaneous methods
Method | Description |
debugInfo | Gets debug logs. |
requestSlideLogToFilePath | Gets the debug logs. |
setTimeDelay | Sets the delay time for sending the whiteboard contents of the local user to the remote users. |
convertToPointInWorld | Converts the coordinates of a point on the whiteboard. |
refreshViewSize | Refreshes the whiteboard view. |
setDrawOnlyApplePencil | (iPad only) Sets whether users can only draw and write on the whiteboard using the Apple Pencil. |